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We know from experience that many of our customers like to send our products as gifts to friends and family so we thought it might be helpful to set out the various ways we can help you with this.
If you're just not sure what to get, then why not choose one of our gift cards. Pick your chosen denomination for your recipient to buy online from us at their leisure.
If you'd like to us to send directly to your recipient then just pop a note in the notes section at checkout making sure that you change the shipping address on your order to that of the recipient. If you've let us know that the item is a gift we'll remove any price labels. Our system can only accept one shipping address per order so multiple orders to different addresses will please need to be placed separately. Each individual order will then attract the relevant shipping fee (which will be free if the value of that order is greater than £40).
We'd be happy to gift wrap your items but we do charge a small fee for this of only £1 per item. Please use the notes section at checkout to let us know how you would like the items to be wrapped. We charge for gift wrap per package so for example if you are ordering four items and want them all wrapped separately you will need to add four lots of gift wrap to your order. If you are ordering four items and want the items wrapped in two packages, such as three items in one package and one in another, please purchase two lots of gift wrap. Please then explain in the notes at checkout how you would like the items grouped in order to save any delay to your order being packed and posted.
If you would like to add one of our lovely greetings cards we would be delighted to include a handwritten message for you. If not, then we will add one of our gift cards at for your message.
Stuck for a gift or torn between two options? Get in touch, we love chatting to our customers and if we can help with your quandry we will. Send us an email or direct message via Facebook or Instagram.
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